All the Organic Products And resources you need in one place.

Laura Smith is an experienced health coach and natural living expert with over a decade of experience in the organic lifestyle. She has the knowledge and the skills to answer any of your questions about the benefits of using natural and organic products. Amanda Evans is a passionate vegan enthusiast who loves the planet and all the fantastic creatures it has to offer. Amanda is dedicated to green living, sustainability, and environmental protection. She will help you find the market's best toxin-free and chemical-free vegan products. Carla Jenkins is the founder and creative mind behind and the author of the blog “The Organic Kit.” She loves experimenting with natural ingredients to create pure and natural beauty and skincare products that are gentle on the skin, cruelty-free, and full of the planet's goodness.

Looking for the Best Organic Product Guides in 2023?

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Organic Green Tea

Organic Green Tea

Are you a green tea lover? Then how about switching to organic green tea! When you adopt a healthier way of life and look for the most natural alternatives, it needs to be applied to everything you put in your body even your green tea obsession. If you worry about flavor, going organic doesn’t mean … Read more

Organic Protein Powder

Organic Protein Powder

In search of organic protein powder? When you adopt a healthier way of life, it needs to be applied to everything you put in your body even to your protein powder intake, especially if you are trying to lose weight, protein powders are a must. Besides going organic doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor … Read more

Organic Walnuts

organic walnuts

Is the middle of the day, and you feel those cravings creeping up? Forget about grabbing a sugar-loaded candy bar or bag of salty potato chips and go instead for a healthy choice such as organic walnuts! This is a healthy snack filled with protein, fiber, and overall good-for-you nutrition. Organic walnuts can keep you … Read more

Best Organic Soap

In search of organic soap options? We hear you. Adopting a healthier lifestyle goes well beyond your diet, it needs to involve everything that comes in contact with your body, especially personal hygiene products such as soaps. In that sense, today we’ll be sharing with you some of the best organic soap options that you … Read more

Organic Snacks

organic snacks

Are you a lover of everything organic? Good for you, when you adopt a healthier way of life, it needs to be applied to everything you put in your body even to your snacks! Because if we are being real you are not gonna stop eating them and going organic doesn’t mean you have to … Read more

Organic Dog Shampoo

Organic Dog Shampoo

Is it time to give your dog a bath again? Even though the ocean and the rain do help from time to time, and no matter how dreadful it is for both of you when your dog starts to smell it’s probably time for a bath. So today we’ll be sharing with you different shampoo … Read more

Organic Pads

Organic Pads

Most women base their choice of menstrual products on what they feel most comfortable with, as it should be; however organic menstrual products shouldn’t be a hard decision. And still, there are a lot of women out there who do not know about the numerous benefits of organic pads, so this is exactly what we’ll … Read more

Organic Dog Toys

organic dog toys

When you make the transition to organic and natural products you can’t leave your pets behind, if you agree with us then you may be interested in organic toys for your furry babies. If you are on the lookout for the best toys for your dog then there is probably nothing better than going organic. … Read more

Organic Tampons

organic tampons

If you are a tampon user or are thinking about making the transition to tampons, you are going to want to hear this. Tampons are most definitely not for every woman, however, the ones that do utilize them, promise they would never go back to pads. If this is you, then you may want to … Read more

Organic Conditioner

organic conditioners

Looking for a natural hair conditioner and haven’t had any luck? Then your search is over! If you are all about healthy and chemical-free products then that also applies to your hair, but sometimes the hunt for these products becomes more difficult because we think there are not many choices. As a result today we’ll … Read more